Often my patients ask me if they should try to lose weight or invest in smart liposuction. I think this is a very important question and deserves a single discussion dedicated to the explanation of weight loss versus smart lipo, to help people understand the fat physiology of their bodies.
My unequivocal answer to the question of trying to lose weight is absolute. Weight-loss attempts should both precede liposuction, and in patients that decide to do both, continue after laser liposuction is performed. In a nutshell, smart lipo is a shape contouring procedure, not a weight loss procedure, even though fat is being removed.
That said, despite my strong belief that weight loss is extremely important and superior to the procedure I specialize in, liposuction can still play a significant role in body reshaping. When you lose weight, you cannot tell your body where you want the first five pounds to come off, and second five pounds to come off. Your body likes to store and release fat in a manner determined more by genetics rather than anything else.
For instance, a person may find they don’t like their outer thighs, and even after getting down to a very reasonable weight, that area may still be prominent. This is where liposuction can be of assistance. The second area where laser liposuction can be of assistance is in “kick-starting” a body reshaping regimen that will consist of laser lipo and a change in lifestyle. I find that the psychological boost obtained from reshaping the troublesome area can be translated into motivation to keep up the results with a lifestyle change.